Legal Expenses Insurance

As legal disputes are both costly and stressful, and can take a long time to resolve, we recommend all businesses protect themselves by taking out legal expenses insurance.
It is essential that all businesses, regardless of size, comply with latest legislation and regulations, in particular, those relating to employment law and health & safety.
To ensure you are fully protected against all eventualities, we recommend that you take out legal expenses cover as an add-on to your main insurance policy, insuring you against the potentially crippling costs of legal action.
This provides cover relating to employment disputes, compensation awards, property protection, bodily injury, health & safety prosecution, data protection and tax investigations.
Standard cover provides up to £100,000 against the costs of solicitors, barristers and expert witnesses when defending against a claim, and also gives access to legal advice. The policy also covers any awards made against your business by an employment tribunal.
​To discuss how your business could benefit from legal expenses insurance, please contact us and we will be happy to advise.