Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is readily available with standard cover provided under ‘package’ policies, but these policies have restrictive limits and do not usually cover those with pre-existing medical conditions or purchasing a high value holiday,
We can offer solutions for travellers who need wider cover for high value holidays and for pre-existing medical conditions:
Cover available for:
Single trips
Annual multi trips
Pre-existing medical conditions (additional excesses, terms and premiums may be required)
Options to amend certain limits and excesses to tailor cover specifically to a person or trip
Many of our insurers also offer the solution of a portfolio policy, covering household, travel, motor and marine insurance under one policy, giving you one renewal date, one set of easily accessible documentation and one point of contact in the unfortunate event of a claim.
Our service philosophy is simple: if you want to review your personal insurance requirements with an expert who has an in-depth knowledge of the insurance market and your best interests at heart, speak to Absolute.
Customers who have serious pre-existing medical conditions can view a directory of specialist travel Insurance providers n the Money and Pension Service (MaPS) website here or call their number on 0800 138 7777.